[libro gratis epub.oGr8] La Otra India (Spanish Edition)
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Durante sus multiples visitas a la India, Ramiro Calle ha tenido ocasion de aproximarse no solo a los lideres espirituales cercanos a sus creencias, sino tambien a la gente que vive en ese enorme pais, el segundo mas poblado del planeta. Tanto la frecuencia de sus viajes como la calidad de los mismos han otorgado a Calle un saber de primera mano sobre aspectos inusuales o vedados al turista convencional. Esto es precisamente lo que el lector encontrara en las paginas de este libro. Ramiro Calle nos presenta un relato diferente sobre la patria de Gandhi y Tagore. / During his many visits to India, Ramiro Calle has had an opportunity to move closer not only to spiritual leaders close to their beliefs, but also to people living in that vast country, the second most populous on the planet. Both the frequency of his travels as the quality of the same street have given first-hand knowledge about unusual aspects or conventional off-limits to tourists. This is precisely what the reader will find in the pages of this book. Ramiro Calle presents a different story about the homeland of Gandhi and Tagore.
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